Saturday, May 21, 2016

Church Software 7

Church Software 7.x series has similar functionalities as the Church Software 5.x, but this software is entirely different. While Church Software 5.x is a local desktop appliion, Church Software 7.x is a complete rewrite and redesigned with .Net client and a J2EE server, focused to work on a LAN (Local Ar Network) environment.

Warning:The software is obsolete and many libraries used in the software are no longer supported by vendors. The development commenced primarily to replace Church Software 5.x with nrly all ftures in it, designed to work on a network with thin clients appliions and also on local desktops. However, after several tests, the local version corrupts the database if the local server wasn't shutdown properly. Hence, to use this server, a reliable server is required. Since most churches, organizations, or normal users will never have a server system, this software wasn't much successful and I don't recommend using it. While the software works fine, you need to use it at your own risk. While I am happy to provide very minimal support, there will not be any further developments or bug fixes for it.


Ftures Overview
Scripture & Lyrics Display on ProjectorBible Rder, Bible Topics, Bible logy & Bible ChronologyPrayer DiaryChurch Members, Church Financials & ReportingChurch EventsUser & Roles ManagementPrerequisites: .Net Framework 2.0 or above, JRE 1.5 or above

: GNU GPL v3


Latest Relse: 2-Oct-2010

Source at GitHub.
Note: Standalone Installer is designed to work on desktops and contains built-in server.

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